Sunday, April 26, 2015

Tips 101: Convenience stores

I live in SK Global and there is a GS25 convenience store located within the building. It's definitely convenient but I wouldn't recommend that you buy your necessities there! Especially TOILET PAPER, towels, shampoo/conditioner, toothpaste, etc. It's really overpriced. I bought toilet paper for $25.... Buy most of your necessities at DAISO! There is a Daiso in Sinchon, very close to the Sinchon Station (exit 3,4). Everything is about 1000-3000WON ($1-$3). I bought my pillows, toothpaste, shampoo, towels, etc from there. 

Also if you need to buy one of those outlet converters, don't buy from GS25 at SK. I believe it was $15 during the first few weeks of school and now they are about $10. Go to a different GS25 or convenience store near Yonsei. There are about 3 convenience stores within a 5-10 minute walk. I bought 2 from a different GS25 store and they were about $1.50 each! Way cheaper than the ones I brought with me from Hawaii.


Saturday, April 25, 2015

Tips 101: WIFI in dorm room

Can you imagine not having wifi in your room? My first three weeks of school was terrible in my room trying to connect to Yonsei's wifi.. Apparently we dont get wifi connection in our room, just the lounge and study room on our floor. Some are lucky to get some sort of connection in their room.

I discovered that I can use my MacBook as my personal wifi hotspot! Not sure if this will be helpful for those who have a windows computer.

Just buy an ethernet cable downstairs at GS25. It cost about $2USD. Plug the ethernet to your macbook, and open network preference to set the ethernet up as a wifi hotspot. You can create your own personal wifi name and password! The connection in my room is amazing now! I can easily access wifi on my phone and ipad. However, when you need to use wifi, your macbook must be plugged in with the ethernet cable. 


Friday, April 17, 2015

Midterm week

I really like how Yonsei has a week designated to midterm. It's similar to a finals week back at UHM. It was a rough week for everyone to study. Cafes, study rooms, library, lounges, are filled with Yonsei students studying for their exam. I can see that the Korean students are very serious with their study. My Korean friend told me that the students would study very hard then pass out and miss their exam (this is pretty common..). All that studying for nothing! I also saw many students sleeping on their books during the day.

Yonsei has many cafes on campus and I recommend to study at a cafe. The atmosphere is great and not too serious. You can enjoy some coffee and music while studying. I think the cafe was a much better environment for me to study in compare to a library. The fact that there are students every studying made me much more motivated. 

I have 4 midterms and 2 papers due all in a 1-2 weeks time period. Most of my time outside of class is spent at a cafe.