Monday, March 2, 2015

First day of school

Above is my current schedule for this semester. Today was the first day of school so on Monday, I only have 2 classes - Free Trade Agreements and Global Business Environment. Both are very interesting and on the topics that I can see myself enjoying. When looking at the syllabus, it didn't appeal to me, however, the professors really do make the class enjoyable with their sense of korean humor. I'm probably going to be keeping these two classes.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow to check out my production and operations management class. It'll be a short day for me! Which means I'll have some time to explore shinchon and run some errands.


  1. Hi Bich! I hope you're having a great time over there in Korea~
    I'll be studying at Yonsei this fall and was wondering if you could help me out a bit with deciding on my courses. I'm really interested in taking Global Business Environment, but as I don't know what to expect (the syllabus doesn't really help), it'd be great if you could tell me a little bit more about it. Do you still like the course and would you recommend it? Which one is your favorite course so far? ^^

    Thanks a lot and hope to hear from you!

    1. Hi Carrie! Thanks for commenting on here. I apologize for such a slow reply. I wasn't sure how to view my comments until now.. I'd be glad to help you! It was definitely hard for me to decide which classes to take on my own.. Especially figuring out if i can transfer my credits back to UHM. Are you at UHM? Give me an email! My email is
      I check my email much more often and I'll help you with the business courses~
